Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Jamieson and Fyler News: April 27, 2016

Circle K Informational Meeting is Tonight (Apr 27)

Lindenwood Park Neighborhood Association (LPNA) is helping to organize an informational meeting where Circle K will present their development proposal and answer questions. The meeting will be moderated, and is open to the public.

Neighborhood Meeting - Circle K Development Proposal

Wednesday, April 27th at 7:00pm

Timothy Lutheran Church (6704 Fyler Ave) 

If you are among the property owners, business occupants, and registered voters within the 350' petition circle for the liquor license, I strongly urge you to attend, hear what is being proposed, and be part of the discussion. I would just as strongly ask you to not sign the liquor license petition until attending the closed meeting.

The Liquor License Application is Active!

On Earth Day (Apr 22), Hurley & Hurley submitted the liquor license application on behalf of Circle K's company (Mac's Convenience Stores LLC). The mandatory public notification postcards were issued the same day. It is my understanding they must wait five days after the mailing to begin canvassing. That would mean today is the first day Circle K representatives may start canvassing for signatures.

Remember it is illegal to give or accept any form of compensation in exchange for a signature. If you suspect that has occurred please alert the Excise Division.

The Letter of Protest has been Submitted

We were ready for the liquor license application. Gerry Everding initiated the Letter of Protest on the same day. Gerry and I toured our neighborhood on Sunday, speaking with property owners in the Petition Circle. The Excise Division filed and accepted the Letter of Protest on Monday with the signature of 14 property owners within the Petition Circle.

If you would like a 'Say No' sign for your yard, 
please email Neighbor Brian Alcaraz.

What's next?

Reading through the Protest Rules & Regulations (PDF), the next step will be for neighbors to attend the Application Hearing (date TBD), giving evidence and testimony that the issuance of a liquor license would be detrimental to the neighborhood. Following that hearing the Excise Commissioner "will issue Protest Petitions sheets to the Protest Representative and Petition Signature sheets to the applicant, for the purpose of obtaining any additional signatures." It will be critical to get the voice of every property owner, registered voter, and business occupant in the Petition Circle to vote with their signature.

What can I do to voice my concerns?

1) Attend the meetings. Plan to attend the April 27th meeting. Definitely plan to attend the Application Hearing.

2) Catalog, photograph, and report infractions. Is Circle K violating City Ordinances? Is Circle K violating their Conditional Use Agreement? Let the Citizens' Service Bureau know. Reach out to your paid city officials and let them know how you feel.

Citizens' Service Bureau
Hours of Operation: M-F 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Phone: 314-622-4800
Fax: 314-622-4310
Alderman Joseph Vaccaro
City Hall, Room 230
1200 Market Street
St. Louis, MO 63103
Phone: 314-622-3287
Fax: 314-622-4273

Annette Bridges, Neighborhood Improvement Specialist
Hours of Operation: M-F 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Neighborhood Stabilization Team
1520 Market Street, Rm 4000
St. Louis, MO 63103
Phone: 314-657-1352
Fax: 314-613-3120

3) Talk to your neighbors (especially if you are in the Petition Circle).  Believe it or not, some neighbors aren't on social media or email lists and don't know about the project. See if they know. What do they think about it? Try sharing your experiences (both good and bad) regarding Circle K and what it means to live in Lindenwood Park. Discuss what you think could happen when the project goes forward, or what could happen when it doesn't.

4) Avoid ranting on social media. It's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of toxic emotion. It's better to turn off the monitor, go outside, and talk with a neighbor face-to-face.

Be well,

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